Autodesk revit 2018 stuck on initializing free. Installation wizard stuck while initializing or during install

Autodesk revit 2018 stuck on initializing free. Installation wizard stuck while initializing or during install

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8 Frequent Issues when installing Autodesk Products | CADnotes - 虚幻引擎4.26版全新及更新功能概述


New: The Environment Query Editor is now an engine plugin that is enabled by default; Individual users are no longer required to enable it via the experimental settings. The editor is still considered experimental and disabling the plugin will remove access to the feature. New: Fixed issues in AIPerceptionComponent where perceptual data associated with actors were no longer valid and being broadcasted through delegates.

New: Moved AI domain automation tests to System. AI " over from System. OnNewPawn when the perception system is configured to not care about new pawns. New: Switched AIPerceptionSystem's stimuli aging from previously using a timer to now counting elapsed time. In normal circumstances this doesn't make any difference, however, this change does help when trying to use the perception system in replays where UAIPerceptionSystem::StartPlay ends up not being called.

Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with behavior tree combo buttons in the editor resulting in creating multiple instances. Bug Fix: Fixed stats for instance memory, number of loaded templates and number of created instances. Bug Fix: Fixed computation of the child execution index of a composite node when the child is a task node with services.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where a tick function that is ready to run during the current frame could get rescheduled back to a previous frame. New: Newly created Blackboard assets using the "New Blackboard" button are now automatically assigned to the BehaviorTree. New: Added unregister queue for decorator abort to prevent removing auxiliary nodes while iterating through them.

New: Added unit tests when exiting a branch due to a parent decorator failure to validate that all auxiliary nodes below it are unregistered. New: Made automatic creation of "SelfActor" entry in newly created blackboard assets optional. New: Added tweakable cvars to control refresh rate "ai. DisplaySize" for navmesh through the GameplayDebugger.

Changed signatures of test-time FAITestBase methods to give those functions a way to signal that the test went wrong. Added an easier route for implementing a bunch of high-granularity tests using a common fixture.

Updated all AI tests to utilize the new approach. New: Added a console command to the gameplay debugger gdt. New: Added a flag to VisLog settings that controls how we differentiate between logged objects. The default behavior remains, but by setting the flag ForceUniqueLogNames, we generate IDs more probable to be unique across the engine session. New: Enabled the capability to summon an in-game hud for GameplayDebugger during replay playback. New: Added an option to enable shadows by default for gameplay debugger's text.

Improvement: Fixed a vislog's performance and architecture issue that resulted in vislog constantly recreating AVisualLoggerRenderingActor in client-server PIE due to vlogging with different worlds. Bug Fix: Fixed computation of the navmodifier area in the NavModifierComponent when using the failsafe extents. Bug Fix: Fixed a scenario where navmesh might get deleted on load when streaming in NavigationData and NavMeshBoundsVolume from different levels depending on the loading order.

Bug Fix: Fixed holes in NavMesh caused by single voxel areas near the area boundary. Bug Fix: Fixed InstancedStaticMesh components that were not registered to the navigation octree if their associated mesh was assigned post registration. Bug Fix: Fixed mesh loading dependency for static mesh using a ComplexCollisionMesh and ensured physical meshes are created before creating the nav collision. This fixes missing collisions when using ComplexCollisionMesh to create nav collisions for meshes.

Bug Fix: Fixed missing navmesh tiles when cooking maps from the editor 'Launch" This includes fixing multiple AI tests failing when locally running in a cooked build, and enemy bots not moving when launching Sanctuary in the ShooterGame example project.

Bug Fix: Fixed navigation octree not being updated when custom navlinks state change. This fixes dynamic navmesh updates causing navlinks to reset to their default state. The main goal is higher reliability while changing properties in the editor, meaning that the property being changed is the driving factor of other properties" changes which keeps the value from being changed. Bug Fix: Fixed a navmesh rasterization offset by one when projecting spans to bottom. New: Added error reporting for large areas dirtying the navigation data.

Error reporting is disabled as long as navigation lock is effective. New: Added advanced property "DirtyAreaWarningSizeThreshold" in NavigationSystem to report warning logs when tiles larger than the specified threshold are pushed to the dirty queue.

The order of the pending elements is now preserved if tile sorting isn't used. New: Synchronization between the async pathfind query tasks and the game thread. This prevents pathfind requests from running at the same time as Navmesh generation tasks or beyond the engine frame boundary.

New: Replaced task to broadcast async pathfinding results by a queue that is flushed by the NavigationSystem update. This prevents tasks from being started during loading or other undesired locations. New: Replaced task to register new active path instance by a lock to ensure all paths are registered for potential invalidation before adding a generated tile on the main thread.

Added a similar option on FAreaNavModifier to allow exceptions. This is useful for objects that affect navigation on the floors above them.

New: Made UNavCollision. New: Added additional logs to track geometry and their bounds when added to navigation. New: Ensure to mark map packages as dirty when navmesh tiles are built, except for when automatic navigation build is occurring on load. New: Added functionality to properly account for time slicing across multiple generators. The time slicing is now calculated in the navigation system. New: Added some more stats to help trace down long navmesh tile generator times.

These functions behaved inconsistently between the different navmesh build types and were causing issues. Crash Fix: Fixed a crash when re-opening an asset editor after a new preview mesh is applied. Crash Fix: Fixed a crash when opening a level with a saved skeletal mesh component that has a post-process anim Blueprint. Crash Fix: Fixed a crash when compiling an actor implementing an interface referenced by its mesh component's anim notifies.

This fixed a crash that's suspected to be caused by the compiler generating code with the size of another struct with the same name. Crash Fix: Fixed crash when exiting while async animation compression is still in progress.

Crash Fix: Fixed crash in TallyErrorsFromPerturbation when animation contains a track that doesn't exist on the target skeleton. Bug Fix: Fixed notifies from not being fired for linked instances when running "root motion from everything". Bug Fix: Restricted fast-path MakeStruct support to split pins in order to ensure nodes update correctly.

Bug Fix: Fixed linked anim graphs that were not properly tearing down their anim instances in TeardownInstance. Bug Fix: Re-enabled ticking for controlled components when the animation budget allocator is disabled. Bug Fix: Implemented a Guard against tracing object properties when the channel is disabled. Bug Fix: Fixed root motion playing faster when the animation budget allocator is enabled.

Bug Fix: Animation Layer defaults for a single group can now come from different Animation Blueprints.

New: Moved away from templated getters for value arrays, replaced with regular function overloading. Bug Fix: Fixed baked additive data for Custom Attributes. Previously the base sequence data was not taken into account. Bug Fix: Changed how multiple additive states are handled within the Animation Sharing system to ensure state-specific animations will be ticked. Bug Fix: Fixed crash reimporting a skeletal mesh in skeletal mesh editor with LOD or weight filter applied.

Optimization: Heavily optimized TraceSourceFiltering plugin runtime performance. Bug Fix: Fixed collapsing hierarchy when using root motion on additive animations. Bug Fix: Async anim compression now cancels existing attempts if we are requesting a new compression on the same animation.

Bug Fix: Fixed baked transform curves crash when the track doesn't currently exist. Bug Fix: Fixed blend space marker sync popping when markers land on animation boundaries. Bug Fix: Added new functionality when selecting multiple Controls with different gizmo's supported pos,rotate,scale , Select will now use the first gizmo, otherwise a flash will indicate as you cycle between them. Bug Fix: Added option to edit mode in Control Rig. Edit mode will now translate multiple objects in their own local space instead of the first object's local space.

Bug Fix: Removed USkeleton reference from anim compression to address thread safety. New: Added customization details for Baked Custom attribute structures - Showing bone name rather than the index - Grouping the attributes according to their types - This will only show the number of keys for individual attributes. New: Added hide baked custom attributes property, which was causing performance issues with Slate. New: Moved deprecated functionality to AnimSequenceBase and deleted all overrides from child classes.

New: Added toggle button style it, World filtering will now use toggle buttons rather than menu items. New: Introduced high-level actor class filtering concept to TraceSourceFiltering plugin. New: Added ActorCollector, similar implementation to TActorIterator, this functionality filters the AActors at UObject hash table level, drastically increasing performance for a large number of actors vs IsA within user filters.

New: Added the ability to create a data source filter class from within the Source Filtering tab. New: Added Blueprint and Python exposed functionality to retrieve curve names from an Animation Sequence. New: Converted 'a. Users should set these in the device profile rather than scalability from now on. Improvement: Optimized TallyErrors to significantly reduce anim compression overhead and worker thread blocking.

Crash Fix: Fixed a crash when deleting a pose if the pose was prior to a base pose. Bug Fix: Prevented pasted linked anim graph nodes from referencing Blueprints with other skeletons. Bug Fix: Fixed ensure when resetting a preview mesh while a specific animation is set to be previewed for an animation Blueprint. Bug Fix: Added the option to force an update on the K2Event Node, to guarantee that the node is up to date in case any function declarations have moved from parent to child.

Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with sync group collisions when syncing with 'component" scope.



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